This site is devoted to Exposure, Engagement, Expansion, Enhancement, and Enrichment of the lives of those who use RGB Technologies. High capacity cycles: DOCUMENT - DECIDE - DISTRIBUTE - DIAGNOSE - DISCLOSE - DESIGN - DELIVER - DEVELOP - DISSECT - DO-IT-AGAIN

Friday, July 23, 2010

The RGB Roadshow Kickoff - 5-Whats!

A. What are we trying to achieve? Exposure, Expansion, Travel Quality of WorkLife Consultants (QWLC) has organized a Roadshow to tour as many places across the US as we can in the next few years and deliver a low cost foundational RGB Workshop to interested organizations while the Founding Partners enjoy the travel. We want to expose new organizations to the RGB knowing that some will want to pursue adopting it through low-cost certification options thereby expanding the Practitioners Network. There's more information at the QWLC web site about this initiative: for those who are interested. For more information about the offer and a tentative acceptance option, click on "What" from that Roadshow home page.

B. What is the offer? Unique Low-cost Workshop Trial The workshop we'll deliver is a 2 to 3-hour highly interactive workshop for about 25 participants. It's fun, insightful, immediately applicable, and is potentially the 1st step (of three simultaneous first steps) in helping an organization develop or regain workforce capacity. The workshop is also a foundational 1st step in a potential sequence of progressive designs that address common challenges in most organizations today. As another 1st step the workshop incorporates the first-part of a three-part RGB Certification process. That's three 1st steps in one workshop!

C. What do I have to do next? Be a Referrer or Accept the Offer If you're already a satisfied RGB Technology user, we'd like you to help by referring us to members of your network that could use our services and products. Over the last 25 years our satisfied user-base has expanded through referrals just like the ones launched by this initiative. We simply want to work with more people like the people with whom we already work. If you're considering the need for a new approach to workforce capacity development or recovery based on new challenges, tentatively accept our offer by e-mail or by visiting our Roadshow web site (link in Part A, above - then select the "What" button).

D. What are the incentives? Referrals, Improvements, Prizes We've asked RGB Certified Practitioners and users to help us connect with potential host organization Sponsors by referring us in the right direction. There's satisfaction in helping people that mean something to us. Our best strategy is to involve those we have served for the last decade in the search for added exposure to this body of work. We recently met with a representative group of users and Practitioners for lunch. We were taken back at the level of excitement for this project. To show our appreciation we've offered a gift - the first of what promises to be many. A one-week, November 6th to the 13th, 2010, vacation on the Outer Banks in Duck, North Carolina. Naturally, there is also an incentive for host organizations to use RGB Certified Practitioners. Once certified they can award GEMS that earn points toward prizes of all kinds. QWLC is also host to an Annual Celebration with significant prizes that begin with another week long vacation package. Last year we awarded dozens of prizes.

E. What happens after the tentative offer is accepted? Clarity, Scheduling Before the Event, there are a few things that need to be clarified. Simple written checklists to help everyone can be downloaded. Begin the scheduling process so that dates can be reserved. Finally, there are simple follow-through details to be coordinated as the Event draws closer.

A New Chapter in a 25-Year Journey...

As any referrer will validate, the RGB Technology is owned and proliferated by the founders - Joe and Elizabeth Lacroix. For over 25 years they have worked hard to create a body of knowledge that lies within the classical organization development domain. As new challenges have emerged, the technology has evolved to accommodate even the most demanding of situations. It has only been for the last 5 years that they have begun to certify qualified candidates to expand on their strong foundation. They've gone slow to go fast. The technology is ready for serious expansion and that has prompted this next phase of growth - the Roadshow. At this phase, the founders remain steadfast in their personal involvement in that growth by engaging in the selection, training, and mentoring of every Practitioner desiring that involvement.

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