On Friday, July 16, 2010 Elizabeth and I facilitated the first informal meeting of the Charter Members of the "RGB Practitioners Group" (for lack of a better label at this time). Our initial topic was the "Roadshow" concept and how to establish momentum and involvement. We were surprised at the universal and positive nature of the dialog and overwhelmed at the level of genuine suggestions - it gave us plenty to think about. Without hesitation we began to act on those suggestions. This RGB eProZone blog is the first same-day evidence that the group's advice was met with action. Within the next day or so additional options will be brought to life. Nearly all of the suggestions centered around jumping into the 21st Century of "e" ProZone using Blog, Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin (sp), Skype, and YouTube technology, etc. (never to old to learn - our daughter has been telling us this for some time). As if the suggestions weren't enough, nearly everyone "volunteered" to help us make it happen.
Now, to apply this to the RGB. All the "colors" were present and that created the inclusive synergy we think we and all organizations need to get and stay exited about new things. We'll be looking at this closely over the next day or so. We'll post the results as well as the transcribed meeting charts to make sure nothing gets lost. As usual there will be an Event Record completed and posted as well. Too much value to lose.
One suggestion, that we need small teams with younger practitioners/users to target specific topics was right on the mark. Our Board notes have included remarks like this for years. We'll be helping to get this underway over the next few weeks.
Thank you all for attending - those that couldn't make it and wanted to be there, you missed a great meal and a great meeting. Hope to see you next time.
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